Gender and diversity for urban resilience: An analysis

Gender and diversity for urban resilience: An analysis

This document looks at urban risk reduction: examples of gender and diversity-based risks and vulnerabilities in urban areas; social and economic inequalities to consider in urban environments; migrants; disability; and examples of gender and diversity vulnerabilities in urban disaster response and recovery. The paper also looks at Gender-Based Violence (GBV) in terms of key issues of GBV during and after disasters, and key action points for addressing GBV in Disaster Risk Reduction/Disaster Management (DRR/DM).


Integrating gender concerns into the objectives and activities for disaster prevention, preparedness, response and recovery, based on national disaster risk management plans and OCHA’s minimum preparedness activities

Integrating gender concerns into the objectives and activities for disaster prevention, preparedness, response and recovery, based on national disaster risk management plans and OCHA’s minimum preparedness activities

Purpose This paper looks at how to integrate gender into the objectives and activities to be carried out for disaster prevention, preparedness, response and recovery. Overview Activities to be carried out for disaster prevention are: hazard and risk analysis; providing…
