Community Early Warning Systems (CEWS) – Training Toolkit Field Guide

Community Early Warning Systems (CEWS) – Training Toolkit Field Guide

The Training Toolkit for Community Early Warning Systems is an operational manual that aims to strengthen early warning systems in a developing country context. It is targeted to National Societies and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) that are embarking on a journey either to strengthen existing CEWS efforts in a country or to create, from scratch, a community-driven EWS. Trainers are DRR/M programme, project and partner staff members who would be responsible to guide, support or evaluate EWS efforts in at-risk communities.


Epidemic preparedness in Indonesia

Epidemic preparedness in Indonesia

This document looks the roll-out of the Epidemic Control for Volunteer (ECV) toolkit and training manual, its implementation and analysis from the context of the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI).
Four provincial branches were chosen to initiate the project and field test the toolkit between November 2013 and February 2015: Banten, Daerah Khusus Ibukota (DKI) Jakarta, Jawa Barat and Papua. The branches were selected based on epidemic risks and their capacity and interest in supporting the introduction of the manual and toolkit.


Conflict Preparedness with Contingency Plan and SOP

Conflict Preparedness with Contingency Plan and SOP

This case study describes PMI’s effort to increase preparedness. Starting from 2013, Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) committed to develop SOP and Contingency Plan on providing humanitarian services in conflict situation. This is conducted with the support of ICRC. The SOP triggered PMI to further strengthen its capacity on providing assistance in insecure and sensitive context through the application of Safer Access Framework.
