The brief documents the learning on community based adaptation approaches in ways that are useful to practitioners and decision-makers, in an effort to create an enabling environment for community-based adaptation and to promote good practice by adaptation and development actors.
Why does gender equality matter in emergency Water Sanitation Hygiene (WASH) interventions? This document addresses this issue as well as the steps involved in providing emergency WASH programming.
This tip sheet presents key factors for effective reviewing, monitoring, and reporting on gender action plan implementation. It includes case studies from Lao and Nepal.
This tip sheet shows how to prepare a project gender action plan and how this ensures gender-inclusive design and implementation of Asian Development Bank (ADB) projects.
This toolkit introduces the European Commission’s new Gender-Age Marker for humanitarian action. It provides an overview of the tool and its application, as well as guidance on how to integrate gender and age concerns in humanitarian action and on how to apply the marker to humanitarian projects.
This practice note seeks to contribute to a conversation on how data on disability can be collected and used within programmes to support both inclusive development practice and inclusive development outcomes.
It starts by providing a brief overview of disability inclusive development practice and the need for data to support this. It then outlines some key issues and principles to consider when collecting disability inclusive data; how such information can be used to strengthen disability inclusion at all stages of the project and programme cycle; and methods and tools that can be used to gather data from adults and children with disabilities.
This document summarises the recommendations and discussions from a workshop hosted by the Department for International Development (DFID) on 9 June 2014. The purpose of the workshop was to build consensus on what did and didn’t work to help prevent and respond to violence against women and girls in the Philippines after Typhoon Haiyan hit in November 2013.
This toolkit seeks to: raise awareness on violence against women using a human rights-based approach, increase understanding of the barriers faced by women and girls with disabilities that experience violence, and show people how they can assist in the elimination of violence against women.