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This is the report of the first ever Asia Pacific Regional Disaster Law Field School, co-hosted by Australian Red Cross and IFRC, was held 24-27 April 2017 in Sydney Australia, bringing together 12 Red Cross Red Crescent National Societies with their respective governments, the Red Cross and Red Crescent Climate Centre, regional organisations such as the Association for South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) and Pacific Island Forum Secretariat (PIFS) Secretariat for Pacific Community (SPC) and the Centre for the Prevention of Natural Disasters in Central America (CEPREDENAC), as well as UN agencies including UNOCHA and UNDP.
This four-page case study describes IFRC’s works on disaster law development in South-East Asia, with the highlight focus in the progress in Indonesia and Lao PDR. It also discusses an inclusion of gender and diversity issue in the country’s disaster law draft and the way forward to implement the work in region.
This report is the result of an integrated research process that combined desk-based legal research with stakeholder interviews in-country, followed by a multi-stakeholder consultation workshop held in February 2016 to verify the research findings and explore relevant issues with participants. It provides a ‘legal mapping’ of the laws and regulations that address disaster risk reduction (DRR) in Indonesia, analysing them against the questions contained in the Checklist and assessing their implementation based on stakeholder feedback and secondary sources.
The Tam Ky Compact is a cooperative commitment on disaster law in adopted in Tam Ky City, on 12 October 2o16, among representative from the Standing office of the Central Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control, Vietnam Red Cross Society and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC).