YABC-National Training of Peer Educators | 25-30 October 2016 | Semarang, Indonesia
A national (Youth as) Agents of Behavioural Change ((Y)ABC) peer educator training (ToPE) was designed and proposed to 24 Volunteers and Staff members of the Indonesian Red Cross/Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI). The training was organized from the 25th to 30th of October in Semarang Indonesia, as a joint venture of PMI, Canadian Red Cross, IFRC Asia Pacific Regional Office in Kuala Lumpur and the IFRC Inclusion, Protection and Engagement Unit in Geneva.
The ToPE aimed at building PMI staff and volunteers’ capacity to use the (Y)ABC toolkit and integrate the initiative within existing programmes to further promote a culture of non-violence and peace amongst their peers and communities. Thanks to this event facilitated by (Y)ABC trainers from the Pakistan and Malaysian Red Crescent Societies, participants engaged in a self-reflection and self-transformation process, which resulted in their enhanced confidence, commitment and ability to act as ethical leaders in favour of respect for diversity, gender equality, intercultural dialogue, social inclusion and peace.
Expected outcomes for participants:
- Enhanced understanding and ability to describe and promote the main lines of thinking of the IFRC regarding humanitarian principles and values as well as the promotion of a culture of non-violence and peace, especially non-discrimination and respect for diversity, intercultural dialogue, social inclusion, gender, as well as violence prevention, mitigation and response;
- Capacity to use confidently and adapt the methodology and materials of the (Y)ABC toolkit to their context and target audience, while respecting the global coherence of the initiative;
- Deepened knowledge of the fundamental notions related to youth and adult learning, and more specifically peer education techniques, to be able to take them into account and put them into practice when conducting sessions related to the (Y)ABC initiative in their National Society and/or respective communities;
- Acquisition and application of life skills (i.e. active listening, empathy, critical thinking, dropping bias, non-judgement, non-violent communication, collaborative negotiation, and mediation) and techniques to strengthen their personal resilience and operate from inner peace1 (e.g. Qi-Gong) in their daily life and Red Cross Red Crescent work.
The training was attended by PMI staff and volunteers. 24 participants from 7 provincial branches and the national headquarters (15 female and 9 male, aged between 17 and 30 years’ old)
Related documents:
- Training concept note
- Training report (including agenda, participant list, and PMI YABC action plan 2018-2019)
Youth as Agents of Behavioral Change (YABC) Toolkit
- Part 1: Thematic module (26 activities, 6 concept papers) covering: non-discrimination and respect for diversity; intercultural dialogue; social inclusion; gender; violence prevention, mitigation and response, international humanitarian law.
- Part 2: Skills module (30 activities, 7 concept papers, 1 inner peace manual and videos) covering intra and interpersonal skills including: active listening; empathy; critical thinking, dropping bias and non-judgement; non-violent communication; collaborative negotiation and mediation; personal resilience; inner peace.
- Part 3: Peer educator manual (developed in close collaboration with the North African regional office)
- Part 4: Guidelines for peer educators working in community engagement (developed in close collaboration with the North African regional office)
- Part 5: Psychosocial support guidelines for toolkit users (developed in close collaboration with the IFRC Reference Centre for Psychosocial Support)
Usage: Training
Audience: Red Cross and Red Crescent youth
See also: YABC toolkit introduction brochure [30 pages, 27 MB]
Report in 2014 – Report on Youth Development
Southeast Asia Youth reporting to Leadership meeting 2015 in Cambodia
Report on Youth Development
Southeast Asia Youth reporting to Leadership meeting 2015 in Cambodia
Youth development in Southeast Asia
The document is a presentation covering Southeast Asia Youth Network, Youth empowerment project through YABC and Youth engagement strategy – Southeast Asia Youth reporting to Leadership meeting 2015 in Cambodia