Strategy on Violence Prevention, Mitigation and Response – Fact Sheet


This fact sheet looks at why violence is a great human challenge and gives strategic directions to address violence within the strategic aims and enabling actions outlined in IFRC’s Strategy 2020.


Strategic aims include:

  • saving lives, protecting livelihoods, and strengthening recovery from disasters and crises;
  • enabling healthy and safe living;
  • promoting social inclusion and a culture of non-violence and peace.

Enabling actions include:

  • building strong national Red Cross and Red Crescent societies;
  • pursuing humanitarian diplomacy to prevent and reduce vulnerability;
  • functioning effectively as the IFRC.

Usage: Guidance for project implementation

Audiences: Technical staff


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Ten steps to creating safe environment – from awareness building to integration into PMI services

Purpose: This case study highlights how PMI adopts and integrate violence prevention in its services

Overview: The case study is divided into three parts:

  • Background of the Ten Steps to creating safe environments (Ten Steps).
  • What ‘Ten Steps to creating safe environments’ are
  • Integration of creating safe environment into PMI services

Usage: Learning from experience

Audience: Technical staff


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