Public Awareness and Public Education for Disaster Risk Reduction: Action-oriented key messages for households and schools (2nd Edition)

Every year, shocks, disasters and hazards such as earthquakes, floods, pandemics and landslides, lead to thousands of avoidable deaths. Information shared at the right time, in an understandable format, by trusted sources, can be the most effective life-saving tool in such events. Indeed, knowledge is empowerment when it comes to preparing for, mitigating the impact and responding to shocks and hazards. Deciding on a family preparedness plan; pre-identifying evacuation routes in the building and neighbourhood; knowing to turn the electricity-box off in the event of flooding; remembering to check on older persons in a heat wave: these are the sorts of measures that can equip individuals and families to confidently take action and stay safe in the face of disasters.

In a changing climate, with increased risks of extreme weather and disasters, the public will need to have a greater awareness of the risks they face and what they can do to be prepared. The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and Save the Children have a long history of helping communities build their resilience. Building on the success of the first edition of Public awareness and public education for disaster risk reduction: key messages published in 2013, this second edition Public Awareness and Public Education for Disaster Risk Reduction: Actionoriented key messages for households and schools continues this tradition, providing an updated tool that will support communities to build their knowledge-base and put in place their own measures to stay safe.

This updated publication provides practical advice and guidance on the nature of messages and information to share with the public, for use by all institutions with a responsibility for improving the safety of communities at risk and to mitigate the impact of shocks, hazards and disasters. Governments, nongovernmental organizations, the United Nations and others can all use this guidance for national adaptation and to help prepare households. Active, consistent and clear messaging is vital to create a culture of safety and common understanding.

It contains revised messages that cover additional hazards, and more details on key issues to be considered for effective disaster preparedness, such as climate change, gender and inclusion. There is also greater guidance on child protection, school safety and community engagement. We see it as a significant contribution to our collective work to reduce disaster risks, and ultimately save lives.


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Monitoring and evaluation for BCC: Ensuring our BCC interventions are on track

Purpose and overview:

The powerpoint presentation aims to describe and share the monitoring and evaluation of PAPE/BCC activities/campaigns/materials

Usage: Guidance for implementation

Audience: National Society staff

See also:


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PAPE and Climate Smart Messages


The powerpoint presentation discusses about:

  • Resilience as an integrated approach
  • Relevance of climate change in urban DRR
  • PAPE and climate smart participatory approaches
  • PAPE approaches to communicating climate change


The presentation discusses about community participatory methods, making community risk reduction plan climate smart, etc.

Climate Change and PAPE design: When to talk about climate change?

  • Climate change is not always relevant to all urban contexts
  • Putting too much emphasis on climate change can lead to people attributing all their problems to climate change!
  • Even when climate change is an issue, it may not be appropriate to go into much detail
  • Participatory methods of PAPE approach are key

Usage: Guidance for implementation

Audience: National Society staff and volunteers

See also:


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Use of Social Media to Reinforce PAPE Campaigns


The Powerpoint presentation aims to describe about the use, the significance, advantages and disadvantages of using social media in behavior change communication (BCC) as well as in disaster.


Advantages of using social media includes:

  • Low overhead cost leverages largescale distribution channels such as Facebook and Twitter
  • Shareable — engages volunteers, and uses word-of-mouth and reputation to snowball
  • Has the power to drive traffic to other resources, such as campaign sites, webpages, blogs and articles
  • Enables regular communication, which builds relationships
  • Enables short messages to be pushed regularly, in bite-sized chunks

Disadvantages of using social media includes:

  • Content must be updated regularly
  • Needs feedback system to interact with audience
  • Needs to keep pace with technology
  • Requires commitment of time and creativity

Usage: Guidance to implementation

Audience: National Society staff

See also:


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Positive Deviance


The powerpoint presentation aims to introduce the concept of positive deviance (PD), objectives, process, implementation, evaluation, key findings, challenges, lessons learnt.


Below are the key findings attributable to positive deviance intervention in malaria prevention project:

  • Increase in behaviour change communication (BCC) coverage
  • Increased knowledge
  • Improved attitudes
  • Improved practices
  • Impact on key behavior

Lessons learned:

  • Strong community mobilization tool: Positive deviance engages community through out the process which develops strong sense of ownership
  • Effective interpersonal communication tool: An effective alternative to traditional BCC methods for hard-to-reach populations
  • Fills in the formative research gap: PD process helps understand context, normative behaviours which enables us to develop tailored communication strategies
  • Build capacity and leadership in volunteers: PD approach provides on-job training opportunities to volunteers which boost their confidence, increase motivation and ensure their retention

Usage: Guidance for implementation, training materials

Audience: National Society staff and volunteers

The document is produced by IFRC consultant who makes reference to materials and the successes of Malaria Consortium.

See also:


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Community Engagement and Accountability : A Powerpoint presentation

Purpose and overview:

The presentation aims to understand:

  • What and why doing community engagement
  • When and how to operationalize community engagement
  • Highlighting some examples



Usage: Guidance for implementation

Audience: National Society staff and volunteers

See also:


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Community Participation

Purpose and overview:

The presentation aims to explain the purpose and importance of community participation, as well as to decide appropriate strategies for increasing community participation. It also discusses the behavior change communication evolution, methods and tools, communication flow, and challenges.

Usage: Guidance for implementation and training material

Audience: National Society staff and volunteers

See also:


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Behaviour Change Theories


The presentation aims to discuss about the behavior change theories.


Several theories according to different disciplines in explaining behavior:

  1. Stages of change model
  2. Social learning/social cognition
  3. Diffusion of innovation

Usage: Guidance for implementation, training materials

Audience: National Society staff and volunteers

See also:


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Effective Messages and Pictures for Public Awareness Public Education (PAPE)


The presentation aims to explain how to develop effective and consistent messages. It also explains about the characteristic of effective messages, images, and poster layout/design.


The key ingredients of the effective messaging include:

  • Well- crafted messages
  • Powerful imagery
  • An engaging and compelling tone
  • Adapt to local context


Usage: Guidance for implementation, training materials

Audience: National Society staff and volunteers

See also:


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Key Approaches in PAPE

Purpose and Overview:

The document aims to explain the 4 approaches to PAPE for disaster risk reduction:

  1. Campaigns,
  2. Participatory learning,
  3. Informal education,
  4. Formal school based intervention

Usage: Guidance for implementation, training

Audience: National Society staff and volunteers

The document was developed by IFRC’s consultant working at the Malaria Consortium.

See also:



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