Regional Meeting on Building Stronger TB and TB/HIV Community Partnerships for Advocacy in Asia and the Pacific | 23-25 January 2018 | Bangkok, Thailand
Based on Stop TB 2017 Global Report, the following Asia and Pacific countries have the highest Tuberculosis (TB) burden: Bangladesh, Pakistan, India, Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Myanmar, Thailand, China, Papua New Guinea.
The Stop TB Partnership, IF RC, and regional TB/HIV community advocacy networks share a vision of a world where everyone, including those most vulnerable and marginalized, can access healthcare. This includes access to tuberculosis and HIV testing, treatment, care, and support. The Stop TB Partnership and IFRC work together to strengthen regional advocacy efforts to hasten the end of TB and HIV epidemics and to build connections between community advocates, National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, and other key actors.
During 23-25 January 2018, the two parties organized a meeting titled “Stop TB Partnership and IFRC Joint Regional Meeting on Community TB and HIV Advocacy” with the aim to strengthen the regional TB advocacy efforts in Asia and the Pacific by building on the existing regional community networks of People Affected by HIV and TB and a network of Red Cross and Red Crescent health and HIV & TB practitioners.
Meeting objectives
- Build the capacity of advocates in coordinated strategy development and implementation.
- Build the awareness among Red Cross Red Crescent staff and volunteers on how to contribute to the paradigm shift that is required to end TB and HIV epidemics.
- Build partnerships between National Red Cross Red Crescent Societies and members of regional TB/HIV community networks, and joint commitments to advance issues of communities, rights and gender (CRG), community monitoring for social accountability, integration of health systems and universal health coverage, strategic planning and political engagement that can contribute to the sustainability of national and regional TB and HIV responses and;
- Advance advocacy priorities for TB Advocates to pursue nationally, regionally and globally.
– Facilitate cooperation and exchange of best practices in service provision, capacity building and technical training;
– Peer-to-peer sharing of experience and skills gained.
– Share common approaches and solutions in the region.
Supporting documents:
- Concept paper
- Agenda 1 and 2
For more information about the event, please visit the official website.