Booklet on Floods in Laotian

Purpose: It is designed to raise public awareness for families and communities, especially those are vulnerable to floods in Laos.

Overview: This is a collection of screen shots but it highlights key points and shows that this was developed by the national Laotian agencies, GTZ, EU and ADPC. The booklet includes four parts:

  • General information of floods
  • Causes of flood: natural and human causes
  • Effects of flood: positive and negative effects
  • Prevention and response to floods: before, during and after flood.

Usage: Training

Audience: Communication staff, Volunteers, Youth


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Comic Book: Preparing for disasters – Flood


This comic book is a children-friendly tool to support school safety, to raise awareness and preparedness for flood.

Usage: Training, awareness-raising materials

Audience: Communication staff, Volunteers, Youth

For versions in other languagues, click here:

See also other comics on preparing for disasters and protecting communities:


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Community Flood Resilience Program, Partnership for Innovation and Solution


This case study highlights:

-The wide partnership which collaborates and coordinates to bring about this community flood resilience program initiative in 21 communities along 3 river basins in West Java, Indonesia. The partnership involves private sector, national and local government agencies, as well as academic institutions.

-Innovation required in this program, particularly in risk mapping, in using tools and online applications such as JOSM, QGIS and InaSafe. The baseline survey is conducted using mobile-based application called Open Data Kit, to tailor to the complexity of urban context.

The initiative is a part of the multi country project of the Zurich flood resilience alliance, and currently conducted in four countries: Indonesia, Mexico, Nepal and Peru.

Usage: Learning from experience

Audience: National Societies staff and NGO staff



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