Prevention of Sexual Abuse and Exploitation (PSEA) Emergency Programme Checklist and Quick Reminder

Prevention of Sexual Abuse and Exploitation (PSEA) Emergency Programme Checklist and Quick Reminder

The Programme Checklist assists in thinking about the risk of sexual abuse and exploitation should be used during the response design phase, with programme managers, to reflect on the levels of risk of sexual abuse and exploitation for the response, and approaches for mitigating this. While the reminder aims to minimise harms linked to Red Cross presence through prevention of sexual abuse and exploitation.


The 2010 HAP Standard in Accountability and Quality Management

The 2010 HAP Standard in Accountability and Quality Management

The Humanitarian Accountability Partnership (HAP) Standard helps organisations that assist or act on behalf of people affected by, or prone to, disasters, conflict, poverty or other crises, to design, implement, assess, improve and recognise accountable programmes. It describes how to establish a commitment to accountability and the processes that will deliver good quality programmes for the people who experience them first hand.
