Practice Note: Collecting and Using Data on Disability to Inform Inclusive Development

Practice Note: Collecting and Using Data on Disability to Inform Inclusive Development

This practice note seeks to contribute to a conversation on how data on disability can be collected and used within programmes to support both inclusive development practice and inclusive development outcomes.

It starts by providing a brief overview of disability inclusive development practice and the need for data to support this. It then outlines some key issues and principles to consider when collecting disability inclusive data; how such information can be used to strengthen disability inclusion at all stages of the project and programme cycle; and methods and tools that can be used to gather data from adults and children with disabilities.


Preventing Violence against Women and Girls through Male Engagement: Exploring a National Evaluation Framework

Preventing Violence against Women and Girls through Male Engagement: Exploring a National Evaluation Framework

In October 2013, White Ribbon began coordinating a National Community of Practice composed of organisations with projects funded by Status of Women Canada’s ‘Working Together: Engaging Communities To End Violence Against Women And Girls’. The Community of Practice focused on sharing lessons learned, challenges and enabling factors in engaging men and boys to help prevent gender-based violence.
One of the three main activities was the development of a National Evaluation Framework (NEF) to identify shared results across programmes and provide an evaluation resource tool for others in the gender-based violence prevention sector.


Incheon Strategy to ‘Make the Right Real’ for Persons with Disabilities in Asia and the Pacific

Incheon Strategy to ‘Make the Right Real’ for Persons with Disabilities in Asia and the Pacific

The Incheon Strategy provides the Asian and Pacific region, and the world, with the first set of regionally agreed disability-inclusive development goals. The strategy comprises 10 goals, 27 targets and 62 indicators.

The strategy will enable the Asian and Pacific region to track progress towards improving the quality of life, and the fulfilment of the rights of the region’s 650 million people with disabilities, most of whom live in poverty.


Beneficiary Communications and Accountability Tools Table on Accountability to Beneficiaries (AtB)

Beneficiary Communications and Accountability Tools Table on Accountability to Beneficiaries (AtB)

This document looks at points/questions to consider in beneficiary communications and accountability (BCA). It looks how BCA promotes transparency, participation, monitoring and evaluation and complaints and response. Tools discussed in the document are: radio, television, SMS, face to face, print and notice boards, promotional materials such as t-shirts, short films, photographs and sound tracks.
