This four-page case study describes IFRC’s works to support the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to build community resilience. It highlights the importance of ASEAN in disaster management and key component of IFRC/s work at the national and regional levels. It also discusses IFRC’s support to the implementation of the ASEAN Agreement on Disaster Management (AADMER) Work Plan and the way forward to implement the work in the region.
Case Study: Preparedness Saves Lives and Livelihoods – Cambodia
This case study discusses Cambodian Red Cross’ works with the authorities in Kratie province which is bordered by the Mekong River, to protect lives and livelihoods in a long-term engagement that has brought many benefits. Improvements in flood early warning, planning and response have resulted from a more holistic approach to disaster management.
Case Study: Supporting National Societies to Contribute to Disaster Law Development
This four-page case study describes IFRC’s works on disaster law development in South-East Asia, with the highlight focus in the progress in Indonesia and Lao PDR. It also discusses an inclusion of gender and diversity issue in the country’s disaster law draft and the way forward to implement the work in region.
Case Study: Mainstreaming Gender and Diversity in Disaster Risk Reduction Initiatives
This four-page case study launched on the occasion of the International Women’s Day on 8 March 2017 showcases the importance of Gender and Diversity mainstreaming within Disaster Risk Reduction policies, strategies and programmes, with a focus on South East Asian countries.
Indonesian Red Cross (PMI): Safer access framework experience
Overview This is a snapshot of lessons learned on health-services access in Papua by the general public who have difficulties to access health services and education, as health and education personnel often left the area due to security reason. It…
Cash Transfer Programming stories from Kalay, Myanmar
The case studies captures the stories from the beneficiaries of Myanmar Red Cross Society cash transfer programming in Kalay, Myanmar. These stories are of:
Daw San Thida Tun, 27 years
Daw Tin Oo, 90 years
U Pyar Gyi, 44 years
Cash and voucher in relief and recovery: Red Cross Red Crescent good practices
This two-page case study documents the good practices of Red Cross and Red Crescent societies in cash and voucher in relief and recovery in forms of cash grants, cash for work and vouchers.
ASEAN Safe Schools Initiative: A Compilation of Case Studies
The compilation of case studies showcases the good practices in 6 ASEAN countries in school safety, conducted within ASEAN Safe Schools Initiative (ASSI) programme.
Exploring mobile money transfers through private partnerships in Bangladesh – CTP case study
This case study extracts the lessons learned of implementing a mobile money transfer as a delivery mechanism in the context Bangladesh and the process of engaging with the private sector. Innovation and new technologies are continuously identified and explored as ways to improve CTP (Cash Transfer Programming) which creates exciting opportunities to partner with the private sector.
Case study: Disaster risk reduction field sessions in Southeast Asia
This document provides an overview of the disaster risk reduction field sessions conducted in Southeast Asia.