Purpose: Overview: Usage: Audience: No ratings yet. Rate This! Please rate this content
Purpose: This case study seeks to document and examine a good practice example of how accountability to beneficiaries (AtB) is being achieved as part of the disaster risk reduction (DRR) element of the Red Cross Consortium1 funded ‘Maternal, Newborn and Child…
Purpose: This case study is conducted for three key objectives: to assess the key program features, its effectiveness and lessons learned in implementing Dengue Fever (DF) prevention and control in urban and semi urban area; to describe the interventions and provide insights…
Purpose: This booklet is designed to help the coastal communities to become well aware of the impacts of mangroves plantation on deforestation, techniques of planting and protection mangrove and rational use of the mangrove resources for their better life and environment. It is…
Purpose: The Stories of Change is aimed to share real stories of beneficiaries receiving support to recover from Hai Yan disaster. This is one of the participatory tools shared by the Haiyan Recovery Program Livelihood Sector to see qualitative change in the lives…
Purpose: The document gives introduction to the Emergency Management Fund initiated by Myanmar Red Cross Society (MRCS) to respond immediately to support risk management programs in order to address the needs of communities affected by small-scale disasters without having to seek donor…
Purpose: Overview: Usage: Training Audience: Technical staff; Gender and diversity practitioners For needs assessment sample, click here Sex and age disaggregated data in needs assessment, size 0.02 M For Video, click here: To Serve with Pride: Zero tolerance for sexual exploitation and abuse…
The focus of this case study is the experiences of working with the harmonized risk-assessment tools that combine Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) by the nine-country, five-year project of CARE Netherlands, Cordaid, the Netherlands Red Cross, the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre and Wetlands International which aimed to strengthen the resilience of communities dealing with increased disaster risk and the effects of climate change and environmental degradation.
Purpose: Overview: Usage: Learning from experience Audience: National Society leadership, Technical staff, Communication staff No ratings yet. Rate This! Please rate this content
Purpose: This presentation aims to share CVTL’s experiences in working on Intergrated Community Based Risk Reduction (ICBRR), which is designed to strengthen the capacities and resilience of the most vulnerable communities and households in Timor-Leste, to better cope with the hazards and risks they face.…