The brief details evaluation findings from the Disaster Preparedness for Safer Schools Project in Nepal conducted by American Red Cross and Nepal Red Cross Society.
The brief details evaluation findings from the Disaster Preparedness for Safer Schools Project in Nepal conducted by American Red Cross and Nepal Red Cross Society.
The brief details the most significant change as the findings from the evaluation conducted in Disaster Preparedness for Safer Schools Project, Nepal, by American Red Cross and Nepal Red Cross Society.
This brief details the evaluation findings from the Disaster Preparedness for Safer School Project in Bangladesh, conducted by American Red Cross and Bangladesh Red Crescent Society.
This document provides a briefing on lessons learned from the Disaster Preparedness for Safer School project in Bangladesh conducted by American Red Cross and Bangladesh Red Crescent Society.
Purpose: The brief identifies the factors shaping gender dynamics and adaptive capacity and gives examples of how to integrate gender into community based adaptation approaches as well as outlining knowledge gaps and recommendations for policy and practice. This learning brief synthesises…
The brief documents the learning on community based adaptation approaches in ways that are useful to practitioners and decision-makers, in an effort to create an enabling environment for community-based adaptation and to promote good practice by adaptation and development actors.