Indonesian Red Cross or Palang Merah Indonesia was formed in 1873, when the Dutch colonial government established a Red Cross society. It was one month after Indonesia’s independence in 1945 that an independent Palang Merah Indonesia was established. The society provides effective and timely Red Cross services, particularly to the most needy in the spirit of neutrality and independence.

In the aftermath of the 2004 tsunami, Indonesia has been at the forefront of developing and promoting the integration of disaster preparedness into national and international laws.

Palang Merah Indonesia

Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav. 96 Jakarta – Indonesia

Branch Offices: 34 provincial offices (chapters) with more than 420 district branches

Date established: Formed on 17 September 1945. Recognised by ICRC: 15 June 1950. Admitted into IFRC: 16 October 1950

Funding: PMI had a total budget of IDR 64,2 billion for its activities in 2013 (Source: PMI Annual Report for Annual Meeting 2014)

IFRC Country Delegation? Yes

Key Persons: Chairman Mr M. Jusuf KALLA, Secretary Dr. Ritola TASMAYA, MPH

Legal Status: In 1950 PMI was recognised by Presidential Decree No. 25 as the only National Society in Indonesia. The Indonesian Government reinforced the provisions of the role and activities of PMI in 1963 by Presidential Decree No. 246

Major Partners: International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement partners: American Red Cross, Australian Red Cross, Canadian Red Cross, Italian Red Cross, Japanese Red Cross, Spanish Red Cross. Other partners: AUSAID, IOM, UNOCHA, USAID, UNHCR

People Reached: In 2013, more than 144,000 beneficiaries (28,819 households) were reached by PMI emergency response services. In 2015 the number people reached by community health activities was 234,838, by long-term services and development programmes was 52,366, and by social services was 22,397.

Volunteers: PMI has 597,120 volunteers (as of 2015), consisting of youth, volunteers corps and volunteer workers. Additionally PMI has more than two million voluntary blood donors.

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