vc_edit_form_fields_attributes_vc_ Events from 1 August , 2016 - 5 SeptemberResilience Library

Southeast Asia Regional Lessons Learnt Workshop on School Safety Initiative and School-Based Disaster Risk Reduction | 15-16 September 2016 | Bangkok, Thailand

IFRC Country Cluster Support Team (CCST) in collaboration with ASEAN and partners will organize the Southeast Asia Regional Lessons Learnt Workshop on School Safety Initiative and School-Based Disaster Risk Reduction in Bangkok, Thailand, on 15-16 September 2016. For more information,…

13th Annual Southeast Asia Red Cross Red Crescent Leadership Meeting | 27 – 28 September 2016 | Jakarta, Indonesia

The 13th Annual Southeast Asia Red Cross Red Crescent Leadership Meeting will be hosted in Jakarta, Indonesia, from 27 to 28 September 2016, under the generous hospitality of the Indonesian Red Cross (Palang Merah Indonesia).

The leadership meeting is an important opportunity for presidents, secretaries, general and senior management in the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement to evaluate challenges, successes and future direction, as a way of further strengthening the world’s largest humanitarian network.

YABC Youth Workshop in Social Inclusion | Da Nang City, Viet Nam

Viet Nam Red Cross YABC youths have designed youth-led activity in Da Nang and Ho Chi Min City with the theme of the social inclusion and Da Nang Chapter has carried out its action in Oct 29-30. Da Nang youths…

PMI Workshop on Gender and Diversity | 17-18 November 2016 | Bogor, Indonesia

Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) Workshop on Gender and Diversity is intended to build a shared perception and strengthen capacity in the area of Gender and Diversity senstive programming. The workshop brought together X participants from PMI national headquarter and 9 provinces in the country in Bogor, Indonesia on 17-18 November 2016.

Roundtable Discussion on Housing, Land and Property (HLP) Regulatory Barriers to Shelter & Settlements: Philippine Red Cross Experience | 22-23 November 2016 | Manila, Philippines

Roundtable Discussion on Housing, Land and Property (HLP) Regulatory Barriers to Shelter & Settlements: Philippine Red Cross Experience The Philippine Red Cross (PRC) held national level rollout of the recently developed IFRC pilot training on “Regulatory Barriers to Shelter and…

Cambodian Red Cross celebrates World AIDS Day 2016

The Cambodian Red Cross always celebrates the World AIDS Day event every year to support the effort of the government and the profound HIV and AIDS activity of its president as the National Champion of the Asia-Pacific Leadership Forum in response to HIV and AIDS in Cambodia. For 2016 World AIDS Day, the CRC celebrated the event with the theme, "Early Test and Early Treat toward stopping AIDS by 2025”.

Launch of DRR and Law: Checklist Assessment Report in Indonesia

IFRC share recommendations from the DRR and Law Report with the Disaster Management Authority of Indonesia, BNPB Indonesia continues to demonstrate its global leadership on disaster risk management, with its recent launch of its Strengthening  Law and Disaster Risk Reduction in…

Mosquito-Borne Diseases Workshop for Red Cross Health Workers | 6-8 December 2016 | Viet Nam

On 6 to 8 December 2016, the Vietnam Red Cross Society, in collaboration with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies organized a mosquito-borne diseases workshop for Red Cross health workers from four National Societies of Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam. The workshop, which was supported by the Finnish and New Zealand Red Cross Societies, focused on improving the participants’ knowledge around vector-borne diseases and exploring solutions to issues faced by the health workers in their respective communities. The workshop was also an opportunity to pilot the Zika, Dengue and Chikungunya Prevention Toolkit recently developed by the IFRC.

Community-Based Health and First Aid (CBHFA): Mosquito Borne Diseases and Vector Control and Epidemic Control for Volunteers | 14-16 December 2016 | Lao PDR

This is the first roll out of CBHFA Mosquito-Borne Diseases and Vector Control and Epidemic Control for Volunteers in Lao PDR to provide and increase the capacity building of Red Cross health personnel working in four provinces located in the deep south of Lao PDR i.e. Sekong, Saravane, Attapeu and Champasak provinces. These four provinces are the risk-prone areas of dengue and malaria epidemics.

Epidemic Control for Volunteers (ECV) Training for Community Volunteers in the Highest Malaria and Dengue Prevalence District | 19-21 December 2016 | Lao PDR

Epidemic Control for Volunteers (ECV) Training for Community Volunteers was organized in Lao PDR to urgently provide health interventions and reach the local communities and vulnerable populations in the affected and high epidemic areas with effective communication and health-education strategies. The four sessions of epidemic response cycle, principle of epidemiology, community tools, action tools, and disease tools with ECV manual in Lao language were employed.

South East Asia Youth Network Online Meeting | 25 January 2017

The 16th South East Asia Youth Network (SEAYN) online meeting was held on 25 January 2017 with the opening of the Chair (from Philippines) and 13 members from 11 National Societies. They launched the School Safety Mapping Initiative following the…

2nd ASEAN Safe School Conference | 14-15 February 2017 | Bangkok

On 14 and 15 February 2017, key government officials from the Ministries of Education and National Disaster Management Offices of the 10 Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Member States and other active stakeholders came together at the 2nd ASEAN…

Flood Resilience Innovation Conference | 23-24 February 2017 | Jakarta, Indonesia

Jakarta, Indonesia

The two-day conference is organized by the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) and IFRC in Jakarta to showcase and pitch innovative ideas related to flood resilience. The project supported selected National Society representatives to attend as a peer-to-peer learning experience. See…

E-WASH Training Sessions | 27 February-3 March 2017 | Lao PDR

First training is Training of Trainers on Emergency Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (e-WASH) response and preparedness for Red Cross WASH focal staff Second training is Training on Emergency WASH response and preparedness for Red Cross Volunteers These two training sessions were the…

Regional Consultations for Rights of Migrants in Action | 1-2 March 2017 | Bangkok, Thailand

Novotel Sukhumvit Bangkok, Thailand

  Objective of Regional Consultations The purpose each Regional Consultation is to facilitate networking opportunities, strengthen collaboration and exchange between implementing partners, harness the collective experiences of partner civil society organizations (CSOs) and develop a set of recommendations linked to the…

National Disaster Response Team (NDRT) training for Thai Red Cross Society | 15-17 March 2017 | Bangkok, Thailand

This five-day training targeted the National Disaster Response Team (NDRT) which includes Thai Red Cross health station, Relief Division and the relevant networks. It aimed to help expand the knowledge of disaster response to new-comer staff to deploy them for disaster relief and response both at national and regional level. The communication session focused on IFRC's communications section's roles and responsibilities during the disaster and how we use CEA in our programmes.

Radio Training | 20-23 March 2017 | Lao PDR

  The radio training was held in Thalad, Lao PDR on 20-23 March 2017 by Lao Red Cross' Communications and Fundraising Department (CFD) with support from the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC). This training was…

Disaster Law Field School | 24-27 April 2017 | Sydney, Australia

Three Regional Resilience Initiative (RRI) countries (Myanmar, Laos and Indonesia) have been identified for participation in the Disaster Law Field School to be held in Sydney, Australia from 24–27 April 2017. The country delegations will comprise of representatives from the…

17th South-East Asia Youth Network Online Meeting | 27 April 2017

17th Southeast Asia Youth Network (SEAYN) online meeting was held on 27 April 2017 with attendance of 10 participants from 8 National Societies (NS). The agenda was as follows (See online meeting agenda for details): 1) Cooperation with Plan International; Youth Digital…

Sexual and Gender-based Violence (SGBV) research – Initial training for the field research | 9-14 May 2017 | Lao PDR

The initial trainings for the field research on sexual and gender-based violence took place on from 9-14 May 2017 in Lao PDR. As part of this research project, all data collection teams have to be trained for six days. The trainings include sensitization on sexual and gender-based violence issues, introduction to the questionnaire and focus-group discussions (FGDs) and multiple practice sessions to ensure that the research is carried out in an ethical, safe and confidential manner.

Community Engagement and Accountability training | 18-21 May | Bangkok

First Community Engagement and Accountability training organized in Asia Pacific   Between 18 and 21 May 2017, the IFRC and ICRC jointly organized the first Community Engagement and Accountability (CEA) training in Asia Pacific for National Society, partner National Societies…

GRAB Taxi First Aid Training | 6 June 2017 | Chiangmai

This was the fifth Garb taxi drivers training on basic first aid in Thailand conducted on 6 June 2017 in Chiangmai Province. There were 25 Grab taxi drivers (male 20, female 5) participating in the first aid training. There were…

Pre-Disaster Season Meeting 2017 | 28 June 2017 | Hanoi, Vietnam

Pre-Disaster Season Meeting 2017 - Vietnam Red Cross Society 27 June 2017   On 28 June 2017, the Viet Nam Red Cross Society headquarters organized the Pre-disaster Season Meeting 2017. The event was attended by representatives from the Viet Nam…

Sub-National Dissemination Workshops on Disaster Management Law | 12 July – 10 August 2017 | Pursat, Kampot, Kratie Provinces, Cambodia

Following the National Dissemination Workshop on Disaster Management Law held last February, three sub-national dissemination workshops on Disaster Management Law were held in 3 different provinces in Cambodia: Pursat, Kampot and Kratie. The three sub-national dissemination workshops (and the National…

Final Evaluation Meeting of Capacity Development for Thai Red Cross Volunteers – Training of Trainers (TOT) for Elderly Self Care and for Elderly Care in 12 Provinces | Cha-Am, Thailand | 23-24 August 2017

Thai Red Cross prepares for the care and the support for elderly people in communities. The number of elderly people is growing: Thailand is currently ranked the third most rapidly ageing population in the world.  In 2015, over 10 percent of…

ASEAN Disaster Law Mapping Consultation | 8 September 2017 | Bangkok, Thailand

Purpose/Overview: The “ASEAN Disaster Law Mapping Consultation” seeks to confirm the accuracy of the research and findings endorsed by the ASEAN Committee on Disaster Management (ACDM) in collaboration with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)…

7 Moves to Gender and Diversity Training | 26-28 September 2017 | Yangon, Myanmar

Twenty four participants in total (nine men and 15 women) participated in the training. The participants came from Myanmar Red Cross (MRCS) First Aid and Safety Services, Human Resources, Health, Organisational Development, Restoring Family Links, and Disaster Management departments respectively.…

143 on 143; 20 Days of Advocacy | 14 Nov – 3 Dec 2017 | Philippines

The 143 on 143; 20 Days Advocacy started last November 14 up to December 3, 2017 under HIV and Substance Abuse Prevention (HASAP) Project through support of IFRC. The four implementing chapters (Manila, Pasay, Quezon City and Rizal Chapter) initiate the…

9th ERAT Induction Course and Simulation Exercise in Myanmar

Between 26 March and 1 April 2018, 30 ASEAN citizens gathered in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar to undertake a week long and intensive training course alongside a 3-day simulation exercise to become members of the Emergency Response and Assessment Team (ERAT).…

ASSI – ASEAN Road to AMCDRR 2018 | 30-31 May 2018 | Jakarta, Indonesia

Supported by the ASEAN Safe School Initiative (ASSI), the workshop is aimed at providing a platform for ASEAN Member States (AMSs) to discuss about the region’s participation at the ASEAN Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (AMCDRR), in the past and…

SGBV National Roundtable | 25 June 2018 | Vientiane, Lao PDR

The Sexual and Gender-based Violence (SGBV) Consultation roundtable was organized on 26 June 2018 in Vientiane with the participation of 41 people (F20, M21) from Lao Red Cross HQ, Oudomxay and Sekong provinces, Ministries, INGO and IFRC. The purpose was…

SGBV Awareness Activity | 23-30 July 2018 | Oudomxay, Lao PDR

    Following the Sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) protection before, during, and after disasters research conducted in Lao PDR by Lao Red Cross (LRC) and IFRC in 2017, one recommendation was to organize awareness raising activities to prevent and…

Risk-Informed Development Conference | 27-29 August 2018 | Bangkok, Thailand

IFRC Asia Pacific Regional Office participated at the Risk-Informed Development Conference during 27-29 August 2018 in Bangkok, Thailand. The theme for the 2018 event was "Using Disaster Risk Information for Resilience." The event was hosted by the Asian Development Bank,…

Lao Red Cross Reviews Effectiveness of Attapeu Flash Floods Emergency Response Operation | 14 March 2019 | Attapeu, Lao PDR

Attapeu, Lao People's Democratic Republic

Lao Red Cross (LRC) has conducted an internal lesson learned workshop during a planning meeting in Attapeu on 14 March 2019. Participants: 17 persons, from headquarters and Attapeu Chapter including the leads from the Disaster Management, Health, International Relations, Finance, and Administrations departments.…

CBDRR, SBDRR Refresher Training | 10-11 June 2019 | Bangkok, Thailand

Bangkok, Thailand

  During the first implementation phase of “Enhancing Disaster Risk Reduction Capacity in Thailand” supported by USAID/OFDA from July 2016 to December 2018, 11 villages and 10 schools in 3 flood-prone provinces namely Angthong, Nakornnayok and Singburi were provided with…

South Asia Leadership Meeting | 29-30 June 2019 | The Maldives

  South Asia National Societies Leadership Meeting is a forum of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement in the South Asian Region to renew and strengthen the collaboration among internal and external stakeholders to extend our hands for the…

IFRC Asia Pacific Regional Director Visits Viet Nam Red Cross Society

From 17-18 July 2019, the IFRC Asia Pacific Regional Director Xavier Castellanos paid a visit to Viet Nam Red Cross Society (VNRC) to discuss with the VNRC’s Leadership on opportunities and challenges in humanitarian landscape. During the meeting, Mdm Nguyen…

2nd NDRT on Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion (WASH) Training

Ayuthaya, Thailand Yangoon, Myanmar

The Thai Red Cross Society (TRCS) has developed the criteria for disaster relief operation in the TRCS’s strategy plan. Three criteria were made for the third strategy by focusing on the quick turnaround and survival needs of the affected people.…

3rd SEA Youth Forum | 2-5 September 2024 | Bali, Indonesia

Bintang Bali Resort Bali, Indonesia

  Background: Youth play an essential role in all Southeast Asian (SEA) National Societies volunteer activities, as they possess the requisite knowledge and skills to effectively champion and implement the National Societies missions and mandates. Our regional youth leaders need…