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20th South-East Asia RCRC Leaders Meeting l 21 – 22 September 2023 l Phnom Penh, Cambodia
21 September , 2023 - 22 September , 2023
This is an annual meeting that brings together Red Cross and Red Crescent (RCRC) leaders from South-East Asia (SEA), IFRC and ICRC to discuss and decide on issues of interest to the Movement in SEA. National Societies (NS) members are Brunei Darussalam Red Crescent Society, Cambodian Red Cross Society, Indonesian Red Cross Society, Lao Red Cross, Malaysian Red Crescent Society, Myanmar Red Cross Society, Philippine Red Cross, Singapore Red Cross Society, Thai Red Cross Society, Timor-Leste Red Cross Society and Viet Nam Red Cross Society. This is a NS platform while the IFRC’s role (Asia Pacific Region & Bangkok Country Cluster Delegation) is as secretariat, and ICRC (Operations Department Asia & the Pacific and Regional Delegation Bangkok) is invited as a movement partner. This annual platform was initiated by Mr. Phan Wannamethee, Former Secretary General of Thai Red Cross Society, and the 1st South-East Asia Red Cross Red Crescent Leaders Meeting was hosted by Thai Red Cross Society in Bangkok in 2003.
The 19th Southeast Asia Red Cross Red crescent Leaders meeting was hosted by Brunei Darussalam Red Crescent Society in October 2022, which resulted in the Bandar Seri Begawan Statement. During this meeting the leaders decided from 2023 to meet twice in one year as a minimum, once in person and once virtually.
- To discuss policies and issues of the Red Cross and Red Crescent work among the National Societies, the IFRC secretariat and the ICRC and agree on appropriate action and follow up
- To take stock of the progress of the strategic directions of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and to develop and implement key actions through sub-regional cooperation and networking among the National Societies, the IFRC secretariat, the ICRC, and also ASEAN Secretariat / AHA Center
- To ensure that the sub-regional National Society networks and forums are accountable towards the RCRC SEA leaders meeting
- To get closer to each other and to take advantage of the strength of working together
- To increase the performance and effectiveness of our work
- To go beyond the networking for better coordination and cooperation
- To prepare for international meetings and elections of the Movement
- To update on Movement, regional and global commitments
- To contribute into and follow-up on IFRC board decisions, through the Board representative/s from Southeast Asia
Expected Results
- Region better heard – region representing, speaking with unified voice resulting in better influence and impact.
- Effective regional networks – regional national societies take the ownership of the regional networks increasing their effectiveness.
- More responsive Asia Pacific Region and Country Cluster Delegation – regional delegations can count on the advice, guidance from the president and secretary general of NS members
- Increased mutual learning – national societies benefit from mutual knowledge sharing.
The following are the participants for the SEA RCRC leaders meeting:
- NS president and secretary general
- IFRC Asia Pacific Region & Bangkok Country Cluster Delegation
- ICRC Asia Pacific Department
- Observers(no limit in the event of a virtual meeting)
- NS youth representatives or SEA Youth Network focal points
Statements from IFRC President and ICRC President
Related Documents
- ToR
- Agenda
- Phnom Penh Statement (Updated Version)
- Participant List (Updated Version)
- Progress Report on Tree Planting
- Keynote Remarks by H.E.Vongsey Vissoth, Permanent Deputy Prime Minister, Minister in Charge of Office of Council of Ministers
20 SEP 2023: Tree Planting Program
21 SEP 2023: DAY 1
Session 1: Progress Update of BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN STATEMENT – 19TH SEA RCRC Leaders Meeting 2022.
Session 2: Follow up on Climate and Environment Charter: Action Plan and target setting by 2030
- Community Safety and Resilience Network Webinar
- PPT: The Climate and Environment Charter for Humanitarian Organizations
- CRC Intervention for Climate Change Carbon Neutrality
- PPT: Commitments CSR Network
- PPT: Mainstreaming Climate Change into Community-Based Risk Reduction Program
Session 3: Collaboration and Cooperation as a Movement in SEA
- Session Outline
- Seville Agreement 2.0
- PPT: Collaboration and Cooperation as a Movement in Southeast Asia
- SMCC Movement Coordination Toolkit
Session 4: SEA Engagement in IFRC Governance
- Letter: Questionnaire – Constitutional Review
- Questionnaire – Constitutional Review
- PPT: Southeast Engagement in IFRC Governance
22 SEP 2023: DAY 2
Session 5: IFRC & ASEAN Memorandum of Understanding Regional Dialogue with ASEAN SG, HE Kao Kim Huon
- Agenda
- MoU ASEAN – IFRC on the Strengthening of Community Resilience in Southeast Asia
- One Pager with Recommendations: ASEAN Session
A Special Session for Head of Delegation: Royal Audience with Her Majesty Queen Mother of the Khmer Nation, Norodom Monineath Sihanouk, Honorary President of the CRC
Session 6: Progress Update on SEA Migration and Displacement Project in Myanmar
Session 7: Progress Update on the Resource Centre for Total First Aid and the SEA FA Network
Session 8: Update of SEA Networks
- Session Outline
- Review of the Asian Red Cross and Red Crescent HIV/AIDS Network (ART) 2023
- PPT: Review of the Asian Red Cross and Red Crescent HIV/AIDS Network (ART) 2023
- Outcome Statement – 1st Southeast Asia Red Cross Red Crescent Women Conference
- PPT: Advancing Women Leadership in Southeast Asia
- APMN – Progress Report for SEA Leaders
- APMN – Meeting Report
- CSR Network Report
- Network Report: PGI Network
- SEAYN Network Report – October 2023
- PPT: Updates from Networks
- Summary of SEA Networks Overview
Session 9: Final report on Manila Call for Action, Preparation for the Asia Pacific Conference / Asia Pacific Conference, Hanoi Call for Action and position of SEA
- PPT: Manila Call for Action – SEA Commitments
- PPT: 11th Asia Pacific Regional Conference, Hanoi, Vietnam
- The Manila Declaration – Call for Action
Session 10: Draft Statement of Phnom Penh & Adoption of 20th SEA RCRC Leaders Meeting