The water, sanitation and hygiene KAP [knowledge Attitude and practices] assessment was conducted in Karakrer Village, Kompong Luong in July 2015 to assess the situation of water, sanitation and Hygiene knowledge of community. The focus group discussion and closed discussion was conducted with village community focused on households’current socio-economic status in addition to information about households’ water sources, water treatment, and productive use for water, water management, hygiene, sanitation and environmental conservation.
Based on results of the assessment, the following actions are recommended:
  • Training and capacity building of community management committees where they exist.
  • Educate the community about waterborne disease prevention and how to treat contaminated water.
  • Increase access to clean water by providing locally available water treatment methods and through IEC materials.
  • Strengthen and support behavior change for improved sanitation and hygiene.
  • Strengthen partnership with community members in the area to construct improved latrines/ bucket latrine.


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