This material has been developed through cooperation between the International Federation of Red Cross Red Crescent Societies and Save the Children. It builds on our experiences with psychosocial support and child protection in emergencies, and draws on lessons learnt from both organizations as well as from local and international partners and UN agencies.
This book is part of a resource kit that guides the planning and implementation of a children’s resilience programme. With this material we aim to contribute to the on-going effort to deliver quality programmes for and with children, to create lasting change and improve the lives of children and their caregivers. The activities described here aim to help children build strength and resilience so they can cope positively with difficult life situations. The material has special focus on the impact of armed conflicts, disasters, abuse and exploitation and living in a community with a high rate of HIV.

Table of Contents of The Children’s Resilience Programme: Psychosocial Support in and out of Schools – Programme Managers Handbook
Usage: Guideline
Audience: Technical staff, Volunteers