
This paper highlights some of the available evidence on School-Related Gender-Based violence (SRGBV) and presents new analysis of data from international and regional learning assessments. It highlights the gaps in our ability to track SRGBV and respond to it effectively.

The paper also draws on lessons learned from successful interventions to document what works to address SRGBV, and makes policy recommendations for global and national stakeholders.


  • SRGBV is an appalling phenomenon that undermines efforts to provide good quality education and achieve Education for All. It has consequences on attendance, learning and completion of all learners, and has wider negative impacts on families and communities.
  • Schools are the place where SRGBV occurs, but they are also the place where it can stop. Schools should be learning environments where social norms and gender inequalities are challenged and transformed, including attitudes and practices condoning violence. SRGBV cannot be addressed unless it is better understood. The inability to recognise and respond to SRGBV prevents the transformation of schools into empowering spaces for girls, boys and teachers.
  • The international community will soon confirm its post-2015 commitment to ‘ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. This laudable goal will not be achieved unless gender is recognised as a driving factor in school violence, strong monitoring frameworks are adopted and genuine commitment is made to eliminate gender-based violence in schools.

Usage: Learning from experience

Audiences: Technical staff; Gender and diversity practitioners

Reference: UNESCO (March 2015). School-Related Gender-Based Violence is Preventing the Achievement of Quality Education for All. Pp.1-16. Available from: http://www.ungei.org/resources/files/232107E.pdf [Accessed: 18 July 2016].


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