Purpose: Disseminate the key experiences of the beneficiary communication programme run at province and district level by PMI West Sumatra. This case study also includes recommendations for programmatic and institutional change relevant to communication with communities for all Red Cross Red Crescent partners in Indonesia and in the region.

Overview: The case study consists of:

  • Introduction and background
  • Methodology
  • Building an innovative strategy of communication to community

1. Stimulating discussion using a cultural reference point – “Lah Lun” which is a cultural word often used by the people throughout West Sumatra that explores if people have undertaken actions or steps related to something within their community.

2. Question cards: testing pre-knowledge on risk reduction issues.

3. Communication material (flipcharts, posters, shop blinds, movies)

4. Question cards: testing post knowledge on risk reduction issues

  • Key achievements and recommendations
  • Dissemination through traditional printed materials (IECs) when combined with two-way dialogue by community volunteers encourages the communities to be more involved and engaged.
  • The identification and selection of the cultural reference point, in this case Lah Lun, triggered discussion on the topic of disaster risk reduction which increased the impact of the communication materials.
  • The engagement of local knowledge and local resources by PMI, including artists from West Sumatra to design materials and incorporate local traditions to facilitate community involvement, resulted in genuine ownership by local stakeholders and groups.
  • Resource the assessment of community’s information needs and communication patterns to ensure effective and relevant messages are delivered to the community. This could be integrated within existing assessments such as vulnerability capacity assessments (VCAs) or the baseline survey.
  • Partner with local communication professionals to translate the baseline results into a creative, effective and localized communication strategy.
  • Promotion activities in the ICBRR log frame should include a comprehensive assessment of communication channels and incorporate two way communication.
  • Build on local assets to communicate. Integrating messages into a cultural reference point such as Lah Lun was highly effective.
  • Understand the capacity of the organization to communicate effective outwards. Create a decision map or tree to understand how information moves within the organization and when information should reach decision makers during a disaster.
  • Understand the capacity of the province and organization to respond to feedback from the community. Design and test your feedback system with the community.
  • Work with organizational leaders to ensure they are relaxed about communities adding their voices and content to the programme.
  • Successful communication to and with communities that supports resilience building should supply the content, motivation and tools to communities. This will help communities mobilize themselves to act autonomously.
  • Communication with communities should place communities at the centre, rather than the brand or organization. Messaging that is engaging and with the potential to motivate, rather than a conventional brand message, should be embraced.

Usage: Learning from experience

Audiences: National Society Communications, and Community-based DRR staff and volunteers


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