Purpose: Much can be done – with relatively simple means – at the community level to reduce the impacts of natural disasters. The PNRC encourages people to collaborate in protecting their lives and the resources on which they depend. The approach is called integrated community disaster planning programme (ICDPP).

Overview: In the past 20 years, disasters have killed over 31,000 and affected more than 60 million people in the
Philippines. While volcanic eruptions and earthquakes occasionally strike, windstorms are the deadliest hazard.
During the 1980s and 1990s, nine massive typhoons lashed the archipelago, killing 13,000 people, affecting 51 million and costing US$ 2,8 billion in damage alone. Public and non-governmental agencies, as well as the Philippines National Red Cross (PNRC), have traditionally provided relief to disaster-affected people. But since 1995, the PNRC has broadened its approach towards more proactive risk reduction. With support from the Danish Red Cross (DRC), PNRC initiated community based disaster preparedness in five mountain, coastal and urban provinces.

Usage: Learning from experience.

Audience: Technical staff, Volunteers, Youth.


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