


Reporting Atrocities: A Toolbox for Journalists Covering Violence and Atrocities uses the principles of conflict-sensitive journalism (CSJ) to teach reporters how to cover even the most senseless acts of cruelty in a way that contributes to peace building. Written by CSJ expert Peter Du Toit, it includes theoretical background, practical tips, and additional resources available to journalists reporting on conflict, or those who may need to in the future.

  • Part One of this toolbox explores some of the key assumptions that underpin the overall conceptualization of the document.
  • Part Two focuses on key issues intended to enhance our understanding of conflict.
  • Parts Three and Four focus on violence and atrocities.
  • Part Five and Six focus specifically on roles journalists can play in reporting on conflicts and on their violent manifestations.
  • Part Seven looks at steps journalists can take to protect themselves both physically and emotionally when reporting on conflict.
  • Part Eight offers some suggestions for editors who are responsible for supervising journalists who are reporting on conflict.

Usage: Guidance for project implementation

Audience: Technical staff, Communication staff


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