
The report aims to:

  • Review the cash transfer programming (CTP) over the past years
  • Propose adjustment to CTP interventions in the Viet Nam Red Cross future relief operations


The report discusses: General overview of CTP programs, including stakeholders operating CTPs; types of cash transfer modalities, advantages and disadvantages of different types of CTP (cash grants, vouchers and cash for work).

Assessments were conducted on: CTP carried out in Vietnam (from 2010 to 2014) and by VNRC (in 2015) on appropriateness and feasibility, timeliness, relevance of cash support level, compliance in CTP implementation, feasibility of distributing cash through financial institutions-banks.

Recommendations of the findings include:

  • CTP should be conducted fast and timely
  • CTP process should be continuously standardized, strict but simple, clearly decentralization and devolution, strengthening monitoring and evaluation
  • The level of unconditional cash support level (in emergency phase)should be based on the minimum standards of humanitarian response, poverty and the actual conditions in Vietnam, as well as requirements of the donor
  • Strengthen awareness-raising and communication on CTP
  • Gradually apply the cash allocation model in the world to increase the effectiveness of the program.


The report is available in English [0.9 MB, pdf] and in Vietnamese [0.59 MB, pdf]


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