
The powerpoint presentation is a status and progress report to the annual Regional Community Safety and Resilience Forum in 2015, as compared with the 2014.


As there had been an RDRT deployment in the in Nepal earthquake (2015), the following are some reflections from the RDRT members:

  • It’s important to have a unified chain of command with clear roles and responsibilities – not to have ”too many cooks in the kitchen”. Yet also, it’s important to be flexible and to just get involved and do what’s needed, even if it’s not in your original terms of reference.
  • The difficult moments lie in how to deal with communities when they have so much hope in the Red Cross, that the we can provide them with the assistance they need. From my experiences in local and regional response, one of the things that I take care to remind myself – and the team – is that we must always be clear on our role and limitations before we go to meet the community. This is important because we don’t want them to have expectations we cannot meet.

Usage: Guideline for future deployment

Audience: National Societies


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