vc_edit_form_fields_attributes_vc_ Reducing the risks: A Framework for DRR in South-East Asia | Resilience Library


This document is a South-East Asia specific disaster risk reduction framework aimed at providing more specific guidance to National Societies.


The elements identified as key Red Cross/Red Crescent contributions to disaster risk reduction as a key action in building community safety and resilience are as follows:

  • Risk-informed humanitarian response. The provision of relief and the satisfaction of immediate needs following a disaster, as well as follow-on recovery activities aimed at helping communities get back on their feet, are undertaken in a way that works towards meeting longer-term risk reduction objectives.
  • Country-specific mitigation, prevention and adaptation activities. Most National Societies have implemented community-based programmes to support communities to better prepare for, and respond to, disasters by building on existing capacities and maximising additional resources.
  • Sector- based programming to build across the disaster management spectrum. Disaster risk reduction is a cross-cutting and complex issue. No individual organisation or sector can address it alone; it requires collective efforts from all parties, public understanding, scientific knowledge and careful development planning.
  • Core cross-cutting components of community safety and resilience. The following are components that are considered essential to every National Society in addressing community safety and resilience: risk assessment and identification and the establishment of community-based early warning and prediction; community-based disaster preparedness; advocacy, education and awareness raising; strong auxiliary relationship with national and local government; partnerships with international, governmental, nongovernmental and community-based organisations.
  • Proposed activities with key indicators to ensure the integration of gender and diversity are highlighted in Annex 2 from page 22.

Usage: Guidance for project implementation

Audiences: Technical staff


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