
This practice note seeks to contribute to a conversation on how data on disability can be collected and used within programmes to support both inclusive development practice and inclusive development outcomes.

It starts by providing a brief overview of disability inclusive development practice and the need for data to support this. It then outlines some key issues and principles to consider when collecting disability inclusive data; how such information can be used to strengthen disability inclusion at all stages of the project and programme cycle; and methods and tools that can be used to gather data from adults and children with disabilities.


Applying the principles of disability inclusive development practice to data collection not only requires collection of data on the specific situation of people with disabilities, but also the inclusion of people with disabilities in all data collection processes that concern them.

A table on collecting and using information about disability throughout the project cycle can be found on p. 17.

Data collection methods and approaches that can be used to support disability inclusive practice include: disaggregating data by disability; specific tools to support disaggregation of data relating to disability, including the Washington Group Short Set of Questions and Rapid Assessment of Disability; surveys, key informant interviews, focus groups, story collecting and participatory learning and action to collect data inclusive of people with disabilities.

Usage: Guidance for project implementation

Audiences: Technical staff

Reference: Bush, A. & James, K. (July 2015). Practice Note: Collecting and Using Data on Disability to Inform Inclusive Development. Plan International Australia, CBM Australia- Nossal Institute Partnership for Disability Inclusive Development (pp. 1-33). Available from: http://www.addc.org.au/documents/resources/plan-cbm-nossal_disability-data-collection-practice-note_july2015_1607.pdf [Accessed: 26 December 2015].


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