Purpose:  The document, developed by Vietnam Red Cross, provides basic health information and necessary communication skills to support volunteers in their communication activities of health education in the communities, initially in communities in Tien Giang and Binh Phuoc province.


The manual outlines 5 parts including:

  • Introduction to communication skills of health education: describes communication terms, tools, types and models, implementation steps, skills and role play exercises.
  • Communication on water, sanitation and hygiene: consisting details on preparation, objectives, technical details, living conditions and good hygiene habits.
  • Communication on food security and nutrition: consisting details on preparation, objectives, steps of implementation.
  • Communication on home health care: consisting details on preparation, objectives, implementation details on disease prevention of malnutrition, helminthiasis, gynaecological disease, anaemia, iodine deficiency etc.
  • Communication on accident prevention and first aid: consisting details on preparation, objectives, knowledge of road safety and prevention of drowning, burns and other popular accidents to children.

Usage: Training, Guidance for project implementation

Audience: Communication staff, Volunteers, Youth

* the document is in Vietnamese language


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