
This document looks at points/questions to consider in beneficiary communications and accountability (BCA). It looks how BCA promotes transparency, participation, monitoring and evaluation and complaints and response. Tools discussed in the document are: radio, television, SMS, face to face, print and notice boards, promotional materials such as t-shirts, short films, photographs and sound tracks.


Points or questions to consider include:

  • the medium which communities use (such as radio, television, mobile phones, community meetings, newspaper, social media);
  • confidence in these media;
  •  what communities wish to receive information about (health, shelter, water and sanitation, DRR, employment, security, other);
  • the collection of literacy rates in assessments (to determine the benefits of written or pictorial materials);
  • the tools appropriate to the community (for example, camps are usually less socially cohesive so appropriate tools could include sound trucks or notice boards);
  •  the use of local languages and dialects to communicate a message.

Usage: Guidance for project implementation

Audiences: Technical staff


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