
This note is the fourth in a series of guidance notes on gender issues in Disaster Risk Management (DRM) in East Asia and the Pacific. The first part of this note looks at reasons to adopt a gender-sensitive approach for community-based DRM. The second part focuses on tools to support a gender conscious approach to community-based DRM efforts.

The note is grounded in extensive fieldwork in Lao PDR and Vietnam.


Reasons to adopt a Gender Sensitive Community-based Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM) Approach include:

  • The aim of DRM is to reduce vulnerabilities and build the resilience of communities to the external shocks of disasters. Using a gender-sensitive approach ensures that DRM is conducted in a comprehensive way, addressing the needs and harnessing the capacity of all people living in the community.
  • A gender-sensitive CBDRM approach can have a positive impact on many aspects of women and men’s lives. Working with existing women’s networks helps strengthening women’s participation in the community’s decision-making processes.

Usage: Guidance for project implementation

Audiences: Technical staff; Gender and diversity practitioners

Reference: The World Bank. East Asia and the Pacific Region. Guidance Notes on gender and disaster risk management. Integrating gender issues in community-based disaster risk management. Guidance Note 4. Pp. 1-10. Available from: http://www-wds.worldbank.org/external/default/WDSContentServer/WDSP/IB/2011/12/11/000333037_20111211230639/Rendered/PDF/6583600WP0REPL0web0Guidance0Note004.pdf. [Accessed: 20th September 2015].


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