
This case study looks at the Integrated Community-Based Risk Reduction (ICBRR), a five-year project implemented by the Indonesia Red Cross (PMI) in partnership with the American Red Cross (ARC).

The ICBRR project aims to enhance the capacity of communities and PMI (at National Headquarters, chapters, and branches) to prepare for and respond to disasters. The project was implemented in 100 villages and 75 schools within four target districts of Aceh (Sabang, Aceh Besar, Banda Aceh, and Aceh Jaya).



Among other things, the project established, trained and equipped Community Disaster Management Committees (CDMC) consisting of key village leaders, and village disaster response teams called Community-Based Action Teams (CBAT). The project established and trained school disaster management committees consisting of school principals and school committee members (parents) to oversee the implementation of the project at the school level.

As a result of the project, project team members who initially did not take gender issues seriously have changed their attitudes and are now aware of the benefits of improving gender equality in the project, as well as the risks of not doing so. With regards to beneficiaries, there has been a positive response to, and acceptance of, the involvement of women in the CDMCs and CBATs from the village stakeholders, as well as increased levels of self-confidence among women who have become either members or leaders.

Geographic scope: Indonesia

Usage: Learning from experience

Audiences: Technical staff, Volunteers


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