
The Incheon Strategy provides the Asian and Pacific region, and the world, with the first set of regionally agreed disability-inclusive development goals. The strategy comprises 10 goals, 27 targets and 62 indicators.

The strategy will enable the Asian and Pacific region to track progress towards improving the quality of life, and the fulfilment of the rights of the region’s 650 million people with disabilities, most of whom live in poverty.


The goals of the Incheon strategy include:

  • reducing poverty and enhancing work and employment prospects;
  • promoting participation in political processes and in decision-making;
  • enhancing access to the physical environment, public transportation, knowledge, information and communication;
  • strengthening social protection;
  • expanding early intervention and the education of children with disabilities;
  • ensuring gender equality and women’s empowerment;
  • ensuring disability-inclusive disaster risk reduction and management;
  • improving the reliability and comparability of disability data;
  • accelerating the ratification and implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the harmonisation of national legislation with the Convention;
  • advancing subregional, regional and interregional cooperation.

Usage: Policy guidance

Audiences: Technical staff; Gender and diversity practitioners

Reference: United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) (November 2012). Incheon Strategy to ‘Make the Right Real’ for Persons with Disabilities in Asia and the Pacific (pp. 1-55). Available from: http://www.maketherightreal.net/ [Accessed: 30 December 2015].


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