
The IFRC Youth Engagement Strategy (Y.E.S.) is a global, unifying strategic framework for youth engagement in Red Cross Red Crescent National Societies and is specifically linked to expected impacts of the Enabling Action # 1 ‘Building stronger Red Cross Red Crescent National Societies National Societies’ from the IFRC Strategy 2020.

While the IFRC Youth Policy (2011) informs National Societies on the value of children, adolescents, and young adults as key drivers of action and development, the Y.E.S. represents a specific strategic framework for facilitating meaningful engagement of young people as today’s and tomorrow’s leaders, as Red Cross Red Crescent National Societies volunteers, and as young beneficiaries of Red Cross Red Crescent National Societies programmes and services.

The Y.E.S. is not a strategy only for youth. It needs to be owned and implemented by and throughout the National Society. Senior leadership of National Societies, as key stakeholders, are encouraged to actively engage in dialogue and equal partnership with young people to bring the Y.E.S. to life.


Y.E.S. brings together 3 perspectives of meaningful youth engagement within RCRC – youth as leaders, youth as volunteers, and youth as beneficiaries (IFRC Youth Policy, 2011) with components of the IFRC 3Es framework – RCRC Youth Education, Youth Empowerment, and Creating Enabling environments for Youth.

Target Audience: National Society Leadership and Staff


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