
This is a practical handbook to help those initiating, managing and/or using gender-responsive evaluations by providing direction, advice and tools for every step in the evaluation process: planning, preparation, conducting, reporting, evaluation and follow up.


  • Chapter 1 introduces the concept of gender-responsive evaluation and how it fits within results-based management (RBM) at UN Women. The key principles for gender-responsive evaluation at UN Women are: national ownership and leadership; the UN system of coordination and coherence with regard to gender equality and the empowerment of women; innovation; fair power relations and empowerment; participation and inclusion; independence and impartiality; transparency; quality and credibility; intentionality and use of evaluation; and ethics.
  • Chapter 7 looks at tools for evaluation such as the evaluation process standards for decentralised evaluation; eight parameters for prioritising evaluation; and the evaluation plan template.

Usage: Guidance for project implementation, Monitoring and evaluation

Audiences: Technical staff

Reference: UN Women (2015). How to Manage Gender-Responsive Evaluation: Evaluation Handbook. Independent Evaluation Office. Pp. 2-162. Available from: http://www.unwomen.org/en/digital-library/publications/2015/4/un-women-evaluation-handbook-how-to-manage-gender-responsive-evaluation [Accessed: 18th July 2016].


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