
This document provides practical guidance and effective tools for humanitarians and communities to coordinate, plan, implement, monitor and evaluate actions for the prevention and mitigation of gender-based violence throughout all stages of humanitarian response, from preparedness to recovery.

It provides guidelines across 13 thematic areas: camp coordination and camp management; child protection; education; food security and agriculture; health; housing, land and property; humanitarian mine action; livelihoods; nutrition; protection; shelter, settlement and recovery (SS&R); water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH); and humanitarian operations support sectors, focusing on logistics and telecommunications.


Each thematic area section includes a fold-out summary table for use as a quick reference tool. The table links key recommendations made in the body of each thematic area with guidance on when the recommendations should be applied across four stages of emergency: Pre-emergency/preparedness (before the emergency and during preparedness planning), Emergency (when the emergency strikes), Stabilised Stage (when immediate emergency needs have been addressed), and Recovery to Development (when the focus is on facilitating returns of displaced populations, rebuilding systems and structures, and transitioning to development).

The thematic areas are organised according to five elements of a programme cycle: assessment analysis and planning, resource mobilisation, implementation, coordination and monitoring and evaluation. Each element of the programme cycle is designed to link with and support the other elements. Coordination is presented as a distinct element, but should be considered and integrated throughout the entirety of the programme cycle.

Guiding principles and approaches for addressing gender based violence can be found on pp. 45-48. These include the human rights-based approach, survivor-centred approach, community-based approach and systems approach.

Usage: Guidance for project implementation, Training

Audiences: National society leadership, Technical staff, Gender and diversity practitioners

Reference: Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC). Guidelines for Integrating Gender-Based Violence Interventions in Humanitarian Action: Reducing risk, promoting resilience and aiding recovery (pp. 1-366). Available from: http://gbvguidelines.org/ [Accessed 23 December 2015].


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