
This guideline aims to provide some guidance to increase women’s participation in training and workshops by making such initiatives more gender sensitive.


Gender-sensitive training aims to ensure the participation of women and men during the training process by:

  • developing training programmes that cater for both women and men’s interests;
  • ensuring that there is a sufficient number of women among the participants;
  • using methods that increase the active participation of both women and men, and that address different learning capacities;
  • ensuring a learning environment suitable for both women and men;
  • adopting attitudes and behaviours that value differential experiences and perspectives;
  • ensuring listening and respect for each other’s experiences and views
  • facilitating good communication practices in which misunderstandings, insults, blaming, and demands are recognised and resolved, and participants are brought back to facts, views, values, and requests.

Usage: Guidance for project implementation, Training

Audiences: Technical staff, Gender and diversity practitioners

Reference: Gurung, M.B., Prakke, D., Leduc, B., (November 2009). Guidelines for Gender Sensitive Training. International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development. Pp.1-5. Available from: www.icimod.org/resource/1291 [Accessed: 18th July 2016].


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