
This document looks at how to integrate gender into monitoring and evaluation at different points of the project cycle.


An effective gender-sensitive monitoring and evaluation system in rural development projects requires that the following activities be undertaken at different points of the project cycle:

  • Stage I – identification and preparation: ensure that the benchmark survey or baseline study are gender-sensitive; undertake an initial gender study or analysis to identify the potential negative impacts of project intervention on women as well as men.
  • Stage II – design and appraisal: ensure gender is integrated into goals and objectives and set clear targets; plan for developing capacity to address gender issues and to monitor and evaluate progress; set up a monitoring and evaluation system.
  • Stage III – implementation: carry out capacity development exercises for integrating, and for monitoring and evaluating, gender-related issues.

Usage: Guidance for project implementation

Audiences: Technical staff; Gender and diversity practitioners

Reference: World Bank (June 2005). Gender and Monitoring Evaluation Tool Kit: Excerpt. Pp. 2-11. Available from: http://siteresources.worldbank.org/INTGENDER/Resources/RuralM_EToolkit2005.pdf [Accessed: 18th July 2016]


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