
This framework has been developed, through a consultative process, reviewing and consolidating of existing community based disaster risk management (CBDRM) materials and methodologies in Vietnam, as such, it will serve the purpose of a theoretical and practical base reference for CBDRM practitioners at national and provincial level in implementing disaster risk management. The idea behind preparing this documentation is to facilitate CBDRM practitioners, including government and non-government agencies, to effectively implement natural disaster management programs in Vietnam.

The following approaches and steps were adopted while developing the document:

  • Review of existing CBDRM training materials, guidelines, and manuals in Vietnam and other countries.
  • Discussions with CBDRM practitioners (NGOs, bilateral projects, government organization staffs) about the content and level of information required for the framework.
  • Workshops and meetings on CBDRM framework development.
  • Field visit to CBDRM projects.


The CBDRM framework is organized as a theoretical and practical reference. The document consists of 2 main parts with the following content and structure:

The first part covers the common understanding of what is CBDRM. It will answer the following questions:

  • What is CBDRM?
  • Why should community members participate in disaster risk management?
  • How has CBDRM been applied in Vietnam?
  • What are CBDRM principles?
  • How is CBDRM process implemented?

The second part is intended as a review of CBDRM practices in Vietnam for readers. Part 2 also provides diverse tools and applications of CBDRM to support the core theory in part 1.

Community-based disaster risk management (CBDRM) is a process in which at-risk communities are actively engaged in the identification, analysis, treatment, monitoring and evaluation of disaster risks in order to reduce their vulnerabilities and enhance their capacities.

This means that people are at the heart of decision making and implementation of disaster risk management activities. Capacities of local people are enhanced to help them assess the situation, identify risk reduction measures and implement them. Risk reduction measures include mitigation and preparedness activities before a disaster occurs as well as response and recovery activities during and after the disaster.

Usage: Guideline for implementation

Audience: National Society staff and volunteers


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