Purpose: There is a growing recognition that relief is not enough in mitigating disasters and that resilient communities in fact are the key to reducing the impact and severity of natural hazards caused to human, which is the key message of Disaster risk reduction initiatives (DRR). This global guide to advocacy for DRR aims to strengthen the skills, knowledge and proficiency of practitioners in advocating on DRR approaches to decision-makers, donors and policy-makers. It is also designed to help National Societies address these challenges.

Overview: The guideline emphasizes the importance of DRR initiatives and DRR efforts in addressing challenges from increased natural hazards and social vulnerability. Key messages include:

  • Definitions of disaster risk reduction and DRR advocacy
  • Seven steps to ensure an effective delivery of DRR advocacy: identify advocacy issues; understand and collect evidence for the issues; identify targets; clarify visions; tailoring the message for target audience; delivering the messages; monitoring and evaluation pp. 25-37.
  • The essetial links between DRR advocacy with issues of legal preparedness, gender and diversity, climate change, urbanization, livelihoods and security.

Usage: Guidance for project implementation, Training

Audience: Technical staff, Communication staff


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