


Significant progress has been made in disaster law since the 31st International Conference of the Red Cross Red Crescent in 2011. National Societies in Southeast Asia have been actively working together with their national authorities to implement the disaster law resolution and their joint regional pledge, in order to strengthen national legal frameworks for disaster management, risk reduction and response. In addition to the resolution and regional pledge made in 2011, some countries in the region have made their own specific disaster law pledges, including Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines.

The 32nd International Conference, held in Geneva in 2015, address three key themes related to disaster law:

    1. Accelerating progress in the facilitation and regulation of international disaster response
    2. Strengthening laws for disaster risk reduction
    3. Providing supportive legal frameworks for saving lives through first aid.

Usage: Policy development

Audience: National Society Leadership, Technical staff, Communication staff

For related documents, click here: Guidance on Disaster Law, size 0.2 MB; Pledge for National Societies and governments, size 0.35 MB and Joint Pledge for Southeast Asia National Societies, size 0.35 MB; Disaster Law 2015 Updates, size 2MB; Disaster law in Southeast Asia – Summary of progress 2012 – 2015, size 6 MB


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