
The purpose of this study is to illustrate the current state of adaptation, its status and possibilities, of the region. It also investigates how these ASEAN countries can learn from each other and from the scientific community, in order to define some adaptation strategies as possible next steps and priorities in the status of water and agriculture management from a socio-economic perspective.


The research study and synthesis presents the findings on capacity gaps and needs of the eight countries in addressing impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate variability and climate change. In particular, the study intends to highlight overlaps and gaps in the existing approaches, methods, toolkits, policies and researches in water, agriculture and socio-economic sectors in addressing above issues,  to design capacity building and experience sharing activities among the member countries for south-south cooperation. Employing both a climate risk management approach and a development perspective on adaptation, this study also tries to provide  country-specific strategies that could be adopted  to enhance resilience through actions based on the combination of adaptation and development.

Main contents includes:

  • Introduction: Background, Goals, Scope, Outputs, Approach and Methodology of the study
  • Research synthesis on regional countries: Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Myanmar, Malaysia

Usage: Monitoring and Evaluation

Audience: National Society leadership, Technical staff


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