
This guide first looks at what recovery and recovery communications entail. It then sets out three rules for recovery communication, the principles for recovery communications, and psychological and practical challenges to communication. The guide also looks at methods of communication, their strengths, limitations and situations to which each method is best suited.


Chapter 3 focuses on inclusive communications to address gender in recovery, as well as targeting diverse social groups including children, the elderly, those with physical or learning difficulties, and religious and cultural groups.

Additional resources in Chapter 4 cover issues such as dealing with the media, how to write a media release, how to advocate for forgotten emergencies, and monitoring and evaluating communications.

The three rules for recovery communication are: is it relevant; is it clear; and is it targeted? Methods of communication include: community meetings; face to face; word of mouth; pamphlets/flyers/ brochures/fact sheets; print newsletters; email newsletters; notice boards; posters/billboards; local newspapers; radio; SMS mail-outs; websites; blogs; video communication; and social media.

Usage: Guidance for project implementation

Audience: Communication staff

Reference: Australian Red Cross. (2013). Communicating in recovery. First edition published by Australian Red Cross (2010). Pp.1-69. Available from: http://www.redcross.org.au/files/Communicating_in_recovery_resource.pdf [Accessed: 19th September 2015].


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