
This video illustrates that disasters affect women and men differently.


  • Climate change will make storms, floods and cyclones more frequent and severe in the future. More than ever, therefore, there is a need for men and women to work equally together to better protect their communities from disasters.
  • Women can make a real difference in saving their families and assets if they can play a bigger role in preventing and managing disasters. There is the need to empower women in early warning education and preparedness to reduce the impact of disasters.

Usage: Guidance for project implementation, Training

Audiences: Volunteers; Youth

Reference: UNISDR. (2009). Empowering women against disasters. Duration: 1.01 minutes [Online] Available from:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wPWmUNMOd0 [Accessed: 20th September 2015].


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