
This Strategy is intended to support National Societies (NS) strategic decision-making and planning as well as align local and national level disaster risk reduction. Having a region-wide alignment of actions will allow NS to work better together and support each other in times of disasters and crisis. This document will also support the planning of IFRC Secretariat Support to NS at various stages of the NS Development.


The Strategy outlines four strategic directions and lists a set of key actions with some examples of associated impact and indicators to measure progress towards achieving the stated directions. Each National Society will contextualize this strategy to fit into their humanitarian challenges, their identified needs and priorities as well as capacities.

The strategy has 4 strategic axes:

  • Strategic Axis 1: Together with the most at risk populations Red Cross Red Crescent builds resilience at community level through Disaster Risk Reduction.
  • Strategic Axis 2: National Society Disaster Risk Reduction capacity and performance is systematically, efficiently and cost-effectively enhanced.
  • Strategic Axis 3: Ensuring an effective local, national, regional, and global disaster response that contributes to Disaster Risk Reduction and strengthens community resilience.
  • Strategic Axis 4: Institutionalizing strategic partnerships at all levels within the RCRC Movement and with external partners.


Usage: Policy reference

Audience: Asia Pacific National Societies

See the document: Strategy | Annex 1 (log frame) | One-pager [all DRAFT of 1 Sep 2016]

  • Note: Annex 1 (log frame) detailing key actions, what impact we expect, indicator to measure progress, special attention and available tools for each of the Strategic Axes [Draft 1 Sep 2016]


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