This is the report of the first ever Asia Pacific Regional Disaster Law Field School, co-hosted by Australian Red Cross and IFRC, was held 24-27 April 2017 in Sydney Australia, bringing together 12 Red Cross Red Crescent National Societies with their respective governments, the Red Cross and Red Crescent Climate Centre, regional organisations such as the Association for South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) and Pacific Island Forum Secretariat (PIFS) Secretariat for Pacific Community (SPC) and the Centre for the Prevention of Natural Disasters in Central America (CEPREDENAC), as well as UN agencies including UNOCHA and UNDP.

Over four days, the participants immersed themselves in key international and regional legal and policy frameworks for disaster risk management, utilizing global tools such as the IDRL Guidelines and the Checklist on Law and Disaster risk Reduction, Minimum Standard Commitments to Gender and Diversity in Emergency Programming for scenario based application, and sharing experiences around best practice of national and local level implementation of law and policy.



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