
This document maps out the broad strategic direction that will guide the implementation of ASEAN Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Response (AADMER)over the next ten years.

The AADMER, which came into force in December 2009, set the foundation for regional cooperation, coordination, technical assistance, and resource mobilisation in all aspects of disaster management and emergency response. The Agreement supports ongoing and planned national initiatives of ASEAN Member States, and with supporting and complementing national capacities and existing work programmes. Since its inception and through various initiatives, ASEAN through AADMER has managed to increase both regional and national capacities for responding to disasters in Southeast Asia.


The document discusses:

  1. The further institutionalisation of AADMER is a strategic element that identifies the need for a multi-layered and cross-sectoral governance approach driving the integration of the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community, the ASEAN Economic Community and the ASEAN Political Security Community on disaster management and emergency response. The first section of the document assesses the challenges around institutionalisation and key considerations for the implementation of AADMER.
  2. The second strategic element on financial and resource mobilisation associated with the implementation of AADMER involving ASEAN Member States, ASEAN Secretariat, and the AHA Centre, pinpoints that the strategy needs to combine an increase in ASEAN Member States’ contributions with traditional and non-traditional sources of funding and other modalities of support, while still ensuring that the process and content is driven by ASEAN. The second section of the document focuses on financial and resource mobilisation challenges associated with the implementation of AADMER
  3. The final strategic element focuses on partnerships and priorities innovative ways in which bodies responsible for implementing AADMER can work together with nontraditional partners for disaster management and emergency response. This section highlights the strengths of partnering with entities at regional, national, and local levels in the public, private and people sectors.

Through these three mutually-inclusive strategic elements, this policy document proposes to position ASEAN as a pioneer in transforming disaster management landscape in the Southeast Asian region and beyond, and strengthen its leadership to maintain ASEAN Centrality.




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