National implementation of the ASEAN Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Response (AADMER)
Overview of the DRM System
Lao PDR has a Type D DRM System – Covers the full spectrum of disaster risk management: some elements of DRR, prevention, preparedness, early warning, mitigation, emergency management /response, and early recovery. Establishes specialist national institutions for DRM coordination and at least some local structures or roles. This is the most common type of DRM law found amongst countries with medium to high exposure to hazards that have adopted DRM laws since the mid 1990s. It is not necessarily based on a single law, but may be a mix of laws, regulations and assigned ministerial roles under executive government powers.
Legal framework
The DRM system is underpinned by a series of Executive decrees establishing national and sub-national structures and mandates, and also assigned ministerial responsibilities under Executive powers. They include Prime a Minister’s decree 373/PM in 2011 and Prime a Minister’s 220/PM of 2013.
Key national institutions
The institutional structures are in a state of transition and responsibilities are currently shared.
The National Disaster Management Committee (NDMC) was created by decree in 1999, and was renamed the National Disaster Prevention and Control Committee (NDPCC) in the 2011 decree. The secretariat was the National Disaster Management Office (NDMO) in the Department of Social Welfare.
As part of a move to integrate disaster and climate risk, the 2013 decree moved the Committee’s Secretariat to the Department of Disaster Management and Climate Change (DDMCC) in the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment.
At this stage, the DDMCC and the NDMO continue to share responsibilities. The NDMO remains the focal point for disaster preparedness and response, and also supports the sub-national disaster risk management structures.
Sub-national structures
Provincial Disaster Management Committees were established administratively at the provincial levels but are not active in all provinces. They are chaired by the Vice Governor of the province.
A similar structure is provided for District Disaster Management Committees, and there is also provision for village level disaster protection units, which have been created in villages where there has been assistance from development partners.
Funding and budget
2013 Prime Minster Decree (No.291/GOV 2013) (not yet available in English.) provides for funds for disaster preparedness and response by allocating 3% of the annual budget to the National Emergency Fund (held as rice reserves, money and fuel).
The Decree on Social Welfare (No. 169) (not yet available in English) provides the Social Welfare Fund for the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare, which is to be used for relief assistance once it is established.
Integration of the AADMER and AHA Centre
None of the legal frameworks currently addresses AADMER or the AHA Centre.
The NDMO is the AHA Centre National Focal Point.
Provision on international and regional assistance
An English translation of the new decree is not yet available, but based on secondary sources it is understood that the broad DRM responsibilities of the national committee remain similar to those in the original Decree on Establishment of National Disaster Management Committee, Prime Minister Decree No. 158/PM dated 23 August 1999. This included very broad mandates on international assistance, including:
1. “Mobilization from individuals, organizations, internal and external in kinds and money for disaster management” – Art.2(3)
2. “Direct relief operation, disaster preparedness, response and rehabilitation by using government budget and the contribution of concerned agencies, International organizations and non-governmental organizations and regularly report to the Government” – Art. 2(3)

Laws, policies, plans and other resources
Laws, policies and plans
1999 Establishment of National Disaster Management Committee Decree
2003 Strategic Plan on Disaster Risk Management 2003-2005
2009 National Adaptation Programme of Action to Climate Change
2008 Fire Prevention Law (Lao version; not available in English)
2010 Strategic Plan on Disaster Risk Management
2013 Law on Environmental Protection
2013 Prime Minster Decree No. 220/PM, on National Disaster Management Committee and its Secretariat (not yet available in English)
2013 Prime Minster Decree No.291/GOV, on National raising of funds for disaster preparedness and response (Not yet available in English)
2017 Draft National Preparedness and Response Plan (Not yet available in English)
National reports
2009 National Report on Implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action
2011 National Report on Implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action
2013 National Report on Implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action
2015 National Report on Implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action
2017 National Report Sendai Framework Data Readiness Review
2000 Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare (MLSW) Decree 097/MLSW
2003 Lao PDR Constitution
2003 Law on Local Administration
2003 Law on the Government of Lao PDR Decree
2004 Law on Development and Protection of Women
2006 Labour Law (amended January 2007)
2006 Law on State Budget
2007 Decree on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities – Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund
2012 Decree on Rural Development and Poverty Eradication, 2012 (PM/201)(Not yet available in English)
Decree on Social Welfare (No. 169) (Not yet available in English)