Brunei Darrusalam
National implementation of the ASEAN Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Response (AADMER)
Overview of the DRM System
Brunei has a Type C DRM System – A specific law on disasters, focused on emergency preparedness and response to natural hazards, some technological hazards; and may have elements of early warning and recovery. These laws tend to be found in countries (i) with low hazard exposure, or (ii) with higher exposure but effective risk governance through sectoral laws, or (iii) with higher exposure but limited law-making and institutional capacity due to poverty and/or conflict.
Legal framework
The DRM system is based on the Disaster Management Order 2006 (DMO).
Key national institutions
The National Disaster Council is the high-level policy and planning body. It is required to prepare the national disaster management plan.
The National Disaster Management Centre is the Council secretariat and implementing body.
Sub-national structures
The DMO does not specify sub-national structures, but gives general powers to set them up.
District Disaster Management Councils have been established in all four districts of the Sultanate.
Funding and budget
The National Disaster Council is required to identify the resources to be allocated for disaster operations (DMO Art. 9(c)).
Budget is not specified as between national, local and community levels.
Integration of the AADMER and AHA Centre
The DMO predates AADMER and the AHA Centre, and does not mention ASEAN.
The NDMC is the AHA Centre National Focal Point.
Provision on international and regional assistance
The National Disaster Council has regional liaison functions under DMO Article 9:
1. Art. 9 (c) “to ensure that regional and international arrangements concerning matters relating to effective disaster management are established and maintained;”
2. Art. 9 (h) “to decide on the assistance to be provided to any country or territory relating to disaster operations;”
3. Art. 9(i) “To decide on the assistance offered by any country or territory, organisation or individual;”
Functions of National Disaster Management Centre Director, DMO Article 17:
1. Art. 17 (b) “To establish and maintain regional and international arrangements concerning matters relating to effective disaster management:”
2. Art. (e) “To coordinate assistance for disaster management and disaster operations, whether within or outside Brunei Darussalam;”

Laws, policies, plans and other resources
Laws, policies and plans
1984 Brunei Emergency Regulations Act
2006 Disaster Management Order
2011 Edtn Constitution of Brunei Darussalam
2017 Proclamation of Emergency (2 year renewal since 1962)
National Standard Operating Procedures (NaSOP) – (Not yet available in English)
National reports
2011 Brunei Darussalam Statement made at the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction
2011 National HFA Implementation Report Brunei
2015 Brunei Darussalam Presentation CBDRM
2015 Brunei Darussalam Statement made at the Third WCDRR
Government booklet on Disaster Preparedness and Response (Print only. Not yet available in English)
1984 Geneva and Red Cross Act
2006 Civil Aviation Order
2006 Customs Order
2007 Medicines Order
2010 edtn Infectious Diseases Act
2010 edtn Infectious Diseases (Quarantine) Regulations
2012 Customs (Amendment) Regulations
2013 Customs (Amendment) Order (adopting the regulations)
2013 Customs (Customs Rulings) Regulations
2013 edtn Fire and Rescue Act
2013 edtn Passports Act
2013 Hazardous Waste (Control of Export, Import and Transit)
2013 Telecommunications (Radio-Communication) Regulations
2014 Civil Aviation (Amendment) Regulations
2014 edtn Immigration Act
2014 edtn Immigration Regulations
2015 Proclamation of Emergency
2016 Fire Safety Order