On the last International Day for Disaster Reduction on October 13, Brunei Darussalam Red Crescent Society (BDRCS) held Projek Ikhlas 3.0, aiming to help those in need during Emergency cases. Director of Community Resilience & Empowerment, Ustaz Isham Ismail, said that the project aimed to collect donations in the form of food and basic necessities through the BDRCS Food Aid Programme.

The BDRCS Food Aid Programme is also a platform for members of the public to provide assistance. The donations would be distributed for Emergencies or disasters, such as fires, landslides and floods. It is important to organise donation drives as disasters can happen anytime and providing affected people with basic necessities can definitely help ease their burden, this also includes involving and encouraging members of the public to provide assistance.

The donation drive was relevant to the International Day for Disaster Reduction whereby this year’s United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) theme is Live To Tell: Raising Awareness, Reducing Mortality.”

Projek Ikhlas 3.0 raises awareness among the community to become alert and vigilant in cases of disasters which can reduce the risks of death and destruction.

With the awareness on disasters, the associated risks could be reduced. The Head of the BDRCS hopes to receive numerous donations as well as provide an opportunity for the community to participate in charity work and collect enough food and basic necessities for those in need. The basic necessities needed include rice, sugar, cooking oil, dry food, canned food, instant noodles, mineral water and medicine (paracetamol, band aid and bandages).

Email: Brunei Darussalam Red Crescent Society International Relation and Public Communication, Faizal Gurie at faizal@bruneiredcrescent.com
