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Case Study: Community Engagement for Cash Transfer Programming

Case Study: Community Engagement for Cash Transfer Programming

The case study highlights the importance of community engagement in cash transfer programming, and it showed the success story of doing so in the cash transfer programming in Typhoon Wutip and Nari operations which the central provinces of Viet Nam in October 2013.

To improve preparedness in cash transfer programming, a review was conducted in 2015 to capture best practices in beneficiary targeting and impact stories. This initiative provided an opportunity for community members and local authorities to raise their voice and concerns about the process.


A practical step by step VCA guide for Red Cross and Red Crescent field practitioners and volunteers

A practical step by step VCA guide for Red Cross and Red Crescent field practitioners and volunteers

The document is a guidance material that recommends a common regional approach to VCA. The idea was to adapt global International Federation VCA tools for the South-East Asian context to support National Society assessment processes through the development of regional guidelines, following the experiences of Red Cross Red Crescent and external partners, it aims to guide National Societies in conducting VCA and adapt the VCA process to their own countries.
